Monday, September 10, 2007

Feeling so blessed...

After the crazy week we just had. Being around the whole family, even in a time of sadness, makes me realize how lucky we are to have such a wonderful, support system. The kids had such a wonderful time playing together and I loved seeing everyone. I hope we can do this again soon for a happier occasion! Hopefully you all got the pictures I sent through Costco. If you didn't, let me know and I'll re-send them. I'm anxious to see the ones that everyone else took!

I hope everyone made it home ok and without too much drama. I was actually sick yesterday, so Mike, wonderful hubby that he is, did all the laundry (I think we had 6 or 7 loads) and took care of the kids. I'm feeling much better today and ready to get Austin off to school and get some things done around the house.

A friend of mine sent me the most beautiful song yesterday and it brought me to tears after the week we've had because it just rings so true. Time just moves so fast. I hadn't heard it on the radio yet. It's called Don't Blink by Kenny Chesney. Even if you don't like country music, you have to hear the song and watch the video. It's just so true. Here's the link: Warning--grab the kleenex!

Here's a few of my favorite pics from this week (ok more than a few--LOL). I love that in the pictures there is so much love and laughter--that's what I want to remember:

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