Sunday, June 1, 2008

One more

I wanted to post this pic from the last day of school. They performed My Future's so Bright I Gotta Wear Shades. Austin really got into it, as you can see :) This will be my last post until we're in Idaho. Hopefully, the computer withdrawals aren't too bad--LOL!


I want to thank everyone who came to Brendan's birthday party. It was wonderful to see everyone, although I don't feel like we really got to visit with anyone long enough :( It was a bittersweet day for me knowing that this would be the last "big" family party we'd throw here. I am so glad that so many of you were able to spend the day with us. I hope you know how much we will miss everyone here!
Here's a few of my favorite pics from yesterday (I only took 109).
Birthday Boy
Matthew and Uncle Chuck's musical theater :)

Pinata Time
THis one of Matthew is one of my favorite pictures of the day--love that look on his face!


Serving up the fun--Thanks Tommy (that would be Big Tommy) and Aunt Bonnie for doing cake and ice cream duty--what a team
And finally--Brendan's favorite gift (for last night anyway, today I'm sure he'll move on to something else)