I wanted to post this pic from the last day of school. They performed My Future's so Bright I Gotta Wear Shades. Austin really got into it, as you can see :) This will be my last post until we're in Idaho. Hopefully, the computer withdrawals aren't too bad--LOL!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
I want to thank everyone who came to Brendan's birthday party. It was wonderful to see everyone, although I don't feel like we really got to visit with anyone long enough :( It was a bittersweet day for me knowing that this would be the last "big" family party we'd throw here. I am so glad that so many of you were able to spend the day with us. I hope you know how much we will miss everyone here!
Here's a few of my favorite pics from yesterday (I only took 109).
Birthday Boy
Matthew and Uncle Chuck's musical theater :)
Pinata Time
THis one of Matthew is one of my favorite pictures of the day--love that look on his face!
Serving up the fun--Thanks Tommy (that would be Big Tommy) and Aunt Bonnie for doing cake and ice cream duty--what a team
And finally--Brendan's favorite gift (for last night anyway, today I'm sure he'll move on to something else)
Thursday, May 29, 2008
7 days and counting
*I copied this off my other blog, so if you read both, sorry for the duplicate*
I still don't think we'll get it all done, but I wanted to pop in with an update. I think things are getting to me. I have to tell this story. Last night I was making dinner and I asked Austin whether we should have corn or mixed veggies. He looked at me with a look that can only be described as pure teenager (even though he's six) and said, "Why don't we have the corn in the fridge that you bought last week" I said, "Thanks Austin, I forgot we had that corn on the cob--great idea." He then said, "Mommy, I don't think your brain is very big when it comes to remembering things." I about lost it. That's the funniest thing I've heard in a while. And yes, with this move, I'm sure I'm losing some brain power--LOL.
It's been a busy week. Starting last Saturday, we had a bust of a yard sale, but did get rid of a lot of stuff (mostly free--lol). While we were doing the sale, we had a load of rock delivered for the front yard. Here's the boys helping Daddy move the rock :)
Tuesday night we went to the Mavericks game (local minor league team). Austin was given an "Outstanding Student" award at the game. He was so cute. He got to go down on the field and say "I am Austin from Mesquite Trails". I was so proud of him.
It was so cold, we ended up leaving in the 4th inning, which Austin was NOT happy about. He kept trying to get us to buy him a snow cone, crazy kid. I might have if it wasn't so darn cold and he hadn't already had a drink, hot dog and popcorn.
Yesterday my BABY turned three! I can't believe he's getting so big. We spent all day running around ordering and buying stuff for Saturday's party. He had a hard time wrapping his mind around that. He kept telling me, "But today is my birthday". So he ended up with a balloon and cupcakes. As you can see, he thoroughly enjoyed the cupcake.
For those of you local, we will see you on Saturday. For the rest of you, hope to see you soon. At least in July if not before then on the Mosteller side :)
Friday, May 23, 2008
Packin Up is hard to do!
I swear I keep packing and there are boxes everywhere, but it doesn't seem like I'm getting anywhere. Starting today, Mike is off until we move, so that will help. There's just so much to do, it's overwhelming. I just keep trying to take it a box at a time. Tomorrow we're having a garage sale, probably in the rain, so we'll be busy getting things ready for that. Fingers crossed that we sell most of the stuff we want to get rid of.
Anyway, I wanted to share a few pics of the boys I took on Tuesday. Isn't Austin looking so darn grown up?! And yes, they were so thrilled Mommy got out the camera just when we were heading out to go have fun.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Field Trips
I went on Austin's field trip to Wrightwood on Tuesday and then took Brendan on a field trip to the fire station Wednesday. I'm too lazy to re-post our adventures, but you can check it out on my other blog by clicking here. Been busy trying to get packed and get things done around the house. It is so stressful to move on such short notice--yikes!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Life with boys...
is never boring. Friday I held my open house for CTMH and the boys decided that since Mommy was busy, they could get away with anything they want. Most was typical: being loud, pulling out their toys, etc. However, the kicker happened just as my open house was winding down (or maybe people just had to get out of there when they realized what was going on). All of a sudden, I hear my friend Brandy exclaim, "Boys! I know you aren't supposed to be doing that!" I rush in to find every inch of my kitchen dripping. They had been taking FULL cups of water and throwing them in the air. Even the ceiling was dripping. As any great mom would do I sent them to their rooms (remember I have about 5 guests here at the time) and speed dial Mike crying, "please tell me you are almost home!" Luckily, he was and he brought in the shop vac to clean up. Ugh! Life with boys is never boring. And no, I didn't take any pictures, but here's a few fun ones!
Cowboy Brendan. My open house was a western theme, so I'd brought the hat and boots out for decoration. Brendan instantly latched onto the boots. Believe it or not, they were actually MINE when I was little. My mom had given them to me a while back, but Austin had no interest. Now Brendan can't decide if he wants a cowboy birthday or a Cars birthday. Guess we'd better decide ASAP. By the way, his party will be on Saturday, May 31st--the weekend after Memorial Day.
Yesterday Mike spent the day cleaning out the garage. The boys were helping him. Austin had gotten Brendan all wet, so he came in changed. This is what he thought was an appropriate outfit. No, he wasn't actually riding a bike or skateboard, the helmet was just for looks.
Then apparently, that wasn't good enough so we had to add the goggles too.
And here's Austin because I don't want him left out :)
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Grandpa's Birthday
I know it's been a while since I've updated on here. I didn't take a whole lot of pictures at Grandpa's birthday party, but here's a few. Yes, I know it was a month ago--I'm a little slow :)

This castle was drawn by Austin. I had no idea he could draw like this. I asked him who helped him draw it. He looked at me and said, "Mommy, I did by myself!" Hmmm...probably better than I could draw--LOL!
This castle was drawn by Austin. I had no idea he could draw like this. I asked him who helped him draw it. He looked at me and said, "Mommy, I did by myself!" Hmmm...probably better than I could draw--LOL!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Knott's Layout
I shared this on my other blog, but I thought I'd put it here too. I finally scrapped these pictures, which I adore. Austin got excited when he saw the pictures again. Even though he was a little tentative, I think seeing the roundhouse was exciting for him and I know Eric loved it. Looking back at these pictures makes me really anxious for July! I can't wait until the Mosteller clan gets together again :)
Friday, March 28, 2008
Who do they look like?
THought this was fun. Guess the kiddos are a good combination of both of us :)
MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Genealogical research - Blank family tree
MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Free family tree - Family tree chart
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